MAMGA Board & Committees

The MAMGA Board consists of eleven members elected at the annual meeting.  

The MAMGA Board has the following permanent committees: Executive, Community Services (grants and signature projects), Membership, Program, and Communications. Additional ad-hoc committees include: budget & finance, annual meeting planning, MAMGA graduation planning, the WIMGA representative, and a nominating committee to recruit Board members. The Board selects its officers following the election of Board members by MAMGA members at the annual meeting in April.

Current Board Members

Members of the Board and the term expiration years are:

  • Karen Allenstein - (2025) Membership database

  • Alyska Bailey - (2025) Tech Support

  • Mary Davidson - Treasurer (2026)

  • B’Ann Gabelt - WIMGA Rep (2025)

  • Judi Janowski - Vice President (2026) Program Committee

  • Nancy Kieraldo - (2025) Program Committee

  • Barbara Park - (2026)

  • Mary Pelzer - (2026)

  • Debra Pienkowski - President (2026)

  • Barbara Strand - Secretary (2026)

  • Carol Troyer-Shank (2026)

  • Lisa Johnson - Ex-officio Advisor (Dane County UW-Extension)

    Updated 4/2024

 Committees of the Board

Standing Committees are described here.


Board Meetings

Meetings are held on the first Monday of January, March, May, July, September, and November.  However, the day and location are sometimes changed.  MAMGA has an Executive Committee composed of the President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, and the WIMGA representative.  The Executive Committee generally meets on the first Monday of five of the remaining months:  February, April, June, October, and December. No meeting is held in August.  Since the date, time and location of the meeting may be modified by Board or the Executive Committee, any MAMGA member who wishes to attend the meeting should verify the location, date and time of the meeting with a Board member.

MAMGA is a 501(c) (3) non-profit incorporated organization. Donations to MAMGA may be tax-deductible charitable contributions as allowed by law. MAMGA is also regulated under Chapter 181, Wis. Stats., Subchapters VIII through X.